The Essence of Engineering
About Us
We know how hard it's to become a Civil Engineer. But you are preparing yourself to make other people's lives much easier. You're helping the world by learning to shape it right. Let's share our common future together. Welcome to Civil Engineering Blog Bangladesh. You're allowed to explore and exchange ideas here.
Civil Engineers build the kind of things people take for granted but would find life very hard to live without. Highlighting the strength of civil engineering, we are looking forward to develop a constitutive dimension with a longer lasting and trans-formative impact through this website. It will make easy access to Civil Engineering knowledge to people. This website intends to exhibit the essence of our homegrown skills and technical expertise to the rest of the world.
This website is primarily built up with the top write-ups selected from a competition of Eccentric : Civil Engineering Festival 2018 organized by the students of Department of Civil Engineering of BUET. Soon, we will be shifting to a regular and permanent structure of this blog.
Advisory Panel
Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering,
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka.
Azmayeen Rafat Shahriar
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering,
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka.
Undergraduate Student Panel
Nadia Binte Mohammed
Nazmus Sakib
Ahnaf Shahriyar